Brooke Scatchard Brooke Scatchard

Waitsfield Elementary School Pump Track

Construction of a small public pump track in Waitsfield, VT

Construction of a small public pump track in Waitsfield, VT in 2020

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Brooke Scatchard Brooke Scatchard

Stowe Youth Cycling Jump Trail and Pump Track

Design and construction of a jump trail with multiple dirt and wooden features and a large Crankworx style pump track on private land in Stowe, VT

Design and construction of a large Crankworx style pump track and a jump trail with multiple dirt and wooden features on private land in Stowe, VT in 2019.

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Brooke Scatchard Brooke Scatchard

St. Albans Town Forest

Phase 1 and 2 of a trail network expansion plan for St. Albans Town Forest

Implementation and construction of Phase 1 and 2 of a trail network expansion plan for St. Albans Town Forest, we finalized the plan in 2015. Funding was procured and construction began in Fall 2019.

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Brooke Scatchard Brooke Scatchard

Raptor Lane - Dorset, VT

Design and construction of two downhill trails for NATS and the town of Dorset, VT

Design and construction of a 0.66 mile Intermediate/Advanced tech/flow downhill trail and a 0.8 mile Intermediate flow trail for Northshire Area Trail System and the town of Dorset, VT

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Brooke Scatchard Brooke Scatchard

Windham Mountian Skills Park

Design and Construction of a Beginner to Intermediate bike skills park at the base of the ski mountain and the Wilbur Flow mountain bike trail in Windham, NY

Design and Construction of a Beginner to Intermediate bike skills park at the base of the ski mountain and the Wilbur Flow mountain bike trail in Windham, NY.

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Brooke Scatchard Brooke Scatchard

Cochran’s Ski Area, Richmond, VT

Re-construction of a downhill flow trail and construction of a 0.5 mile Beginner mountain bike trail and large pump track at the base of the non-profit ski area in 2020.

Re-construction of a downhill flow trail and construction of a large pump track and 0.5 mile Beginner mountain bike trail at the base of the non-profit ski area in 2020.

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